January 2024 - Making preparations to Ripple for Segment 2, Sandusky, Ohio to Ft. Myers, Florida June to November
February 2024 Update Ripple is lying in Sandusky, Ohio in heated storage this winter. Ron from Lake Erie Marine Electronics has installed two new AGM 8D batteries and all new LED light fixtures in the boat. While traversing the Trent Severn Canal I lost the sonar/depth sounder on the Raymarine Axiom 9 Chart Plotter. I had a second depth sounder luckily. It seemed to happen around the Big Chute Railway so I thought it had to do with the straps used to hoist us in the railcar. As it turns out I must have stepped on the transducer and cracked it while I was checking engine fluids or organizing the engine compartment. Of course, it was a critical tool I would have liked to have had when we were in Georgian Bay and the North Channel! I found myself looki...